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Belonging to Community

In July 2024, my community suffered a sudden, unexpected tragedy. A fire broke out in asuburban home, and because of the windy conditions that day, quickly spread toneighbouring properties. Within…

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Can You Spoil an Infant?

A caregiver’s desire not to spoil their infant is a rich topic, one that is of real concern and a source of anxiety. Research has shown that infants who fully trust that they are central to someone are less demanding and better able to manage their emotions (not spoiled).  

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Shark Music and The Core Sensitivities: New Online Course

Circle of Security International (COSI) is excited to introduce a new online course for registered COSP Facilitators. The course, Shark Music and The Core Sensitivities, offers facilitators a deeper journey into understanding one of our most well-known metaphors, Shark Music.

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